Monday, April 23, 2012

Anyone a keen Photographer? Need an opinion on camera's...

Hi there!

My boyfriend is a little indecisive at the moment as to which camera he wants to buy.


1) Hewlett Packarad R707

2) Sony Sybershot P93.

Personally, i%26#39;d go with the Sony one, but he%26#39;s not convinced - any ideas?

Additionally, do you think that you can capture better quality pics with a 35mm, or digital camera?

Thanks all,


Anyone a keen Photographer? Need an opinion on camera's...

I have a Sony digital (not the P93) and am really pleased with the pictures I get...they are as good as I used to get with my small 35mm. My husband has a Canon digital SLR which takes much better pictures, but is heavier to carry around, and requires a bit more than point and shoot! For ease, I%26#39;d go for the digital.

Anyone a keen Photographer? Need an opinion on camera's...


I placed a link beneath with some pictures take with the Sony and the HP, maybe you can see which pictures are the nicest concerning quality...

I bought a Minolta Z10 last month, I wanted a camera with much possibilities, so it%26#39;s not a compact camera, but very easy to handle, and very nice pictures! You can take sepia-coloured pictures as well as panoramic pictures, and the zoom is 8x optical:

Hope you can help your friend make a choice...




Personally I would go for the Sony, better reputation. I recently bought my wife an Olympus Mju mini, which I have to say is one of the nicest point and shoot cameras I%26#39;ve ever used, it%26#39;s also very good looking (it%26#39;s got that iPod feel).


I%26#39;m a semi-pro and use a variety of cameras for digital work, and take different ones on holiday.

Personally, the Canon PowerShot G range is the best consumer model I%26#39;ve used, and for my everyday proper work I use a Canon EOS digitial SLR - which is just the best in my opinion, but expensive and large.

go to or .com and see how they are rated!

All depends what you want to use it for.

Tips, completely ignore digital zooms, they are useless. Go for a camera with the best lens you can afford and then the optical zoom you require.

Personally I%26#39;d drop the HP from the equation straight away.

You can definitely achieve just as good pictures with a digi-cam, certainly my two digitial SLRs (both Canon), can achieve just as good results (actually better in most cases) than my 35mm SLRs from film scans.

Hope that helps!

Of those two, I would choose the Sony but also consider a Canon, as the previous poster has said.

';Additionally, do you think that you can capture better quality pics with a 35mm, or digital camera?';

You *can* capture better pics with the digital camera but of course you only get out what you put in! Make sure the resolution is set to high (I always set mine to max). The higher the resolution, the better the pic. All digital cameras have varying resolution settings so for example, the memory in the camera or on your memory stick might give you the option of taking either 100 pics, 40 pics or 20 pics... the %26#39;100 pics'; would be at the lower resolution. Tempting to get more pics but then the quality will suffer. My advice is always take the pic at the max resolution and that way you can%26#39;t go wrong. You can always reduce it later if you want, when you%26#39;ve downloaded it to your computer, but you can never *increase* quality later.

Hope this makes sense. I%26#39;m a graphic designer and I can%26#39;t tell you how often I%26#39;ve been sent digital pics that are unusable cause the resolution was too low when they were shot. When the res. is high the pics are usually wonderful quality. Good luck!

I agree about choosing the Sony when it comes to those two. A simple rule to follow when you re going to buy a digital camera is that, its still the traditional cameramanufacturers that has the advantage in the latest camera technology. Choose a known brand and you ll get the most out of your money. For ex Canon, Nikon, KonicaMinolta, Pentax or Olympus.

I think you should choose a digital one.

Good luck...

All good advice here out of those two the sony is best, I have one and could not complain about the pic quality. I also use a minolta Z3 12 X optical zoom which are a very good price in NY 369 dollars (needless to say I paid more) whichever you buy make sure you take a lrage mem card with you.

I downloaded my digital holiday photos last night. I have a compact minota dimage xt. I am very pleased with them. All light conditions; times square, the gates; interiors etc are amazing. I got a 1 gb sd memory card so was able to use the highest definition and not worry about how many photos I took. All cameras are good these days so personal preference and price plus lots of memory.

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