Friday, April 27, 2012

700 Sundays

Has anyone seen Billy Crystal in 700 Sundays?My family and I have tickets for the first week in April.

700 Sundays

WOW! Lucky you. We%26#39;re going to New York in mid-May and I couldn%26#39;t find anything but premium ($$$$$) tickets. We%26#39;re huge Billy Crystal fans and I was hoping to surprise my husband with the tickets once we were in the city. We do have tickets for La Cage au Folles and Spamalot and looking forward to both. The show has received great reviews and was extended, so I%26#39;m sure it%26#39;ll be just great. Enjoy!

700 Sundays

I sprang for a benefit performance last night because I couldn%26#39;t get hold of regular tickets. He was astounding! I%26#39;m a huge fan anyway. So many of his family stories seem universal -- you recognize these people even without knowing them. You will love the show. And the theater is small, so it%26#39;s an intimate performance. Wish I could%26#39;ve taken him home with me!

I saw this show in January - it was fantastic. Even if you are not a huge BC fan you will love this show. The night we were there David Letterman was in the audience and he said on his show the next night that it was the best show he had seen on Broadway !!!! I laughed so much I had pains in my stomach.

You will have a great night .

Bettina....did you get his number for me ?

For YOU???!? I just had a conversation with a friend who thinks there%26#39;s something wrong with me -- I%26#39;d sooner have BC than G Clooney, B Pitt, or most any of the others I can think of. In fact.... I%26#39;d take him over HJ (but I%26#39;d have to spend time with both before making a final decision).

I%26#39;ll take that as a no then ? Well, don%26#39;t expect me to put a word in for you when I bump into Huge!

Thanks for all the input. We had to pay premium ($176) per ticket but they are great seats row c seats 2-4-6-8.Now another question--we%26#39;re taking my 9 year old son,he has two sisters 18 and 16 so hes%26#39; heard it and seen it all,so do you think he%26#39;ll enjoy the show?

Omigod, that%26#39;s a lot of money! Is your 9-year-old a fan of Billy Crystal%26#39;s. Gosh, I hope so! I%26#39;m sure you must be a fan or you wouldn%26#39;t spring for such an expensive evening, so you%26#39;re hopefully familiar with his material. I would think a lot of the material might go over your 9-year-old%26#39;s head, and part of the evening is devoted to ';bris'; humor.

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