Monday, April 23, 2012

Village Vanguard/Dizzy's or Garage for 18 year old?

Hoping to visit an NY jazz club during our 3 day visit for my sister%26#39;s 18th Birthday - she loves jazz! Can anyone advise of the three jazz clubs which would be more suitable for an 18 year old? Mum (57) and I (33) will be with her so I suppose something to suit us all - mainly her though............well, it is her birthday after all!

Village Vanguard/Dizzy's or Garage for 18 year old?

Dear Scoot,

What are your dates? Never heard of Garage. Is it a new jazz club?

Village Vanguard/Dizzy's or Garage for 18 year old?

Arriving on 26th Feb - probably looking to go to the jazz club on Monday night (28th). A few others on this forum had mentioned the Garage which has a big band night on a Monday night. Any advice would be appreciated.


This answer is easy. You must go to the Village Vanguard. That is a no brainer. The big band at the garage is ok but the big band at the Vanguard is legendary. It%26#39;s been there for 35 years and is called the Vanguard Orchestra. Every Monday night!! Features some of the top NY jazz musicians. I know this because i am a professional jazz musician, but not in NY. I have seen this band there a half a dozen times.

The Village Vanguard is also a very famous and authentic jazz club. It is where the greats used to play, so there are many pictures hanging up and lots of history. She will love it.

The cover I believe is $15 with a 2 drink minimum. She is absolutely fine to get in (being underage) but obviously just can%26#39;t drink. Make sure she has her license. By the way...there is no food at all at the club. So, eat somewhere great before.

Have fun

Hi Scoot,

The answer is simple. The Village Vanguard would easily be your best bet. $15 cover, 10 drink minimum. Sets are at 9PM and 11PM and last about an hour and a half. Your sister can get in but just not drink. There is absolutely no food at the club, so eat before you go!

The Vanguard big band has been there every monday night for 35 years and include some of the best NY jazz musicians. I am a professional jazz musician and have heard the band about 7-8 times.

Also, the Vanguard is one of the most classic jazz clubs in the world. All of the greats have played there (Miles, Coltrane etc...) so there are tons of photos of the greats performing there. You guys will love it. Any other questions, please ask!

Sorry for the duplicate posts. I didn%26#39;t see my original one there.

DM - thanks so much for your many responses......doh! Will definitely make a visit to the Village Vanguard then. Should we book or are we able to turn up on the night?

Definitely book a reservation by email. You don%26#39;t pay anything until you go to the club that evening. No credit card until the night you are there.

DM - Hope you didn%26#39;t take offence to my earlier e:mail - Scots people have a very dry sense of humour! Thanks so much for all your advice - will book a seat and let you know how we got on in a trip report on our return. Cannae wait................!!!!!!

I took no offense. I myself have a very dry sense of humor. Please report back and I really hope you enjoy the music. I can%26#39;t wait to go back.

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