Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Help with Itinarary??

I will visit New York on Mar 30 for 3 1/2 days with my 11 year old daughter. With all of the advice I%26#39;ve read here I%26#39;ve put together an itinarary but would like a little help with a couple of areas. When we arrive Wed afternoon I thought we would just walk around, buy her some clothes at H%26amp;M (we don%26#39;t have one in Canada!) and eat at Mars. Thursday I plan to go up the Empire State building in the morning (best for avoiding line ups I think, right?), take the subway to the Statten Island Ferry, ride it to see the Statue of Libery, take a ferry to Brooklyn, eat at Grimaldi%26#39;s and walk back accross the bridge . How long will this take us? (Approximately). That evening we%26#39;ll see Little Women. Friday we%26#39;ll go to the Moma in the morning, then to the American Girl store to shop, see the show and eat supper in the cafe. Saturday we%26#39;ll go to Central Park and maybe either the Met or Natural History museum - which one would be more interesting? If the weather is beautiful we%26#39;ll walk aroound instead and look at shops etc. That night we%26#39;ll see Mama Mia.

Am I missing anything great? Which toy store is better to see - FAO Schwartz or Toys R Us? Do you have any suggestions as to other neat/theme places to eat?

Thank you so much!!!

Help with Itinarary??

I%26#39;m really big on having my guests see a performance their first night in town--something decidedly New Yorkish.

With that in mind, I%26#39;d suggest ';Stomp';, ';Blue Man Group'; or ';Slava%26#39;s Snow Show';--each of which has received rave reviews around the world and which are hoots for both adults and pre-teens.

The water ferry to Fulton Ferry only takes a few minutes. (I%26#39;d try to catch the ferry that would allow me to begin crossing the bridge at dusk which is probably about 7:00 or so at that time of year.) You%26#39;d need to be seated at Grimaldi%26#39;s at six or so which means there could be a wait of 15 minutes at the least so you should be at Grimaldi%26#39;s by 5:30 or 5:45.

The Brooklyn Promenade is also a very special place and worth a few minutes of your time.

My guess would be kids would getter a bigger kick out of the Natural History Museum unless art was really their thing.

My best advice is to try to structure your time for seeing the city at its most beautiful time around dusk and early evening. Therefore, I would try to fit in the ESB in at dusk on one day, the SI Ferry on a second, and Brooklun on a third.

I might also suggest checking out Circle Line to see if their Harbor Lights Cruise is operating at that time. That%26#39;s a stunner.

Help with Itinarary??

we have H%26amp;M in canada.........lots in toronto

we have H%26amp;M in canada.........lots in toronto

I didn%26#39;t know that! Why can%26#39;t there be one in Calgary? It%26#39;s a great place for kids clothes - cheap, decent quality and in style.

Toy store: FAO Schwartz, and it%26#39;s right by Central Park so you can wander around there after.

Grimaldi%26#39;s: You are in for SUCH a treat. I always take out of town guests here. If you have time--and weather permitting--I suggest walking across the Brooklyn Bridge. It%26#39;s only about a 20 minute walk and stopping halfway then turning around to view the Manhattan skyline is extraordinary. This is how I go when I go to Grimaldi%26#39;s (it%26#39;s underneath the bridge on the Brooklyn side).

Thanks - we%26#39;ll got to FAO Schwartz then! I seem to remember reading about a very good ice cream shop near Grimaldi%26#39;s but I can%26#39;t find any information again. I thought if we had room (!?) we%26#39;d go there for desert. We will really need the walk back across the bridge.

Does anyone know about this place?

Brooklyn Ice Cream Factory. It%26#39;s on the water just steps from Grimaldi%26#39;s. Closed on Mondays...

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