So we know that the people from NYC are helpful, hospitable and just generally lovely Bettina and Co are living testiment to that. What i would like to know is your favourite restaurants..myself and my partner love Chinese, American Traditional, Sushi/Seafood and Italian.
Its just to give us an idea of places, maybe we could even book right now. I%26#39;m looking for places not TOO formal that are funky and for a younger crowd...any of your suggestions as always will be helpful indeed.
Where would i be without this site?? God knows!!
Restaurant help...
Joined friends recently for a FABULOUS dinner at Sea, a wonderful, funky Thai restaurant in Williamsburg. Mind you, I%26#39;ve never even liked Thai food and I adored this place. There%26#39;s also one in the East Village, but the Williamsburg one%26#39;s considered the best, and it%26#39;s incredibly quick and easy to get there. Plus you get to explore the neighborhood.
Restaurant help...
I%26#39;m helpful, hospitable and generally lovely as well.
Not as lovely as Bettina...but lovely nonetheless.
For excellent sushi, try Raku, 57 West 76th. When they%26#39;re not being held up by crooks, they serve sushi that has been favorably compared to Nobu.
For Chinese in Chinatown, I like 10 Pell (both the name and the address), Joe%26#39;s Shangai (right across the street from 10 Pell) and Big Wong on Mott St. For dim sum, try New Green Bo.
For pizza, Lombardi%26#39;s in Little Italy at 32 Spring Street. For funky Italian but great food, also in Little Italy, try Puglia on Hester Street or La Mela on Mulberry.
For Mexican or southwesterm, Santa Fe at 73 West 71st is popular with young people. For a non-formal romantic place that draws a younger crowd you might like Chez Michallett on the corner of Bedford and Grove in the west Village. It%26#39;s a French bistro with great food. Only 12 tables. Candlelight. Very nice. Great neighborhood.
And if you want something completely different...get to Alphabet City and try the Yaffa Cafe on St. Mark%26#39;s Place. Goths, musicians, kids with blue spiked hair--and that%26#39;s just the staff. Wait%26#39;ll you see the customers! It%26#39;s a vegetarian place but with great food even non-vegetarians like myself enjoy. Open 24 hours.